Last Updated on April 20, 2020

I don’t know why I like group writing projects. I know why I like this one I’m going to contribute to right now: What Is Your First Rule Of Writing?

I like it because it is hosted by the newly launched Clean Cut Blog, the younger “brother” of Hamelife (this last one is a good read if you are a parent).

I like it because it raises this question: will I do better if I only have some more rules?

Well, my first rule of writing is that there is no rule:

  • I write only when I’m in the mood, despite some hundreds of voices who play the tune of sticking with a chosen posting frequency.
  • The topics can be anything, from housecleaning, to hair removal, from my cat to happiness, love or Microsoft Excel. It is a blog about anything and nothing. I suppose many of you know the TV series Seinfeld. What is Seinfeld about? If a series about nothing can be so successful, I don’t see any reason why a blog about nothing cannot meet success.
  • The layout can suffer subit transformations, titles overlapping or whatever other strange effects. That’s because it serves me as a php learning tool, although there are a few things which seem rather like SF than php. To give you only one example: try to right-click on a post title: if somebody can explain me why titles appear like programmed in Flash (and how to get rid of that weird thing), I’ll be grateful for the rest of my life.
  • Not having rules makes me feel good. I like to make each of my days as it comes. Every morning, I look at the bedroom ceiling and I imagine how I want my day/life/blog to look like. Then I get up and make them as I have imagined.

These being said, I’m happy to see that at almost one year of age, this blog has welcome about 160,000 visitors, with an average time spent on site of almost 4 minutes. Given that comments are scarce, this means the 4 minutes were mostly used for reading. Not too bad for a blog about nothing, is it?