Tweet! Tweet! Follow Me, I’m Sweet!

I think I first heard about Twitter one year ago. Since then, I’ve tried, and tried, and tried to take a look inside, with no success. The only message I got was that “Firefox can’t find the server”. But almost every other blogger writes about...

Why LinkedIn And Pen Names Don’t Go Well Together

I discovered LinkedIn a short while after I discovered blogging, and I thought it was such a cool idea, that I’ve started to build my LinkedIn profile right away. For those of you who don’t know, LinkedIn is a place where you can connect with people all...

Where To Poster Yourself Creatively

It is unbelievable what people can do to themselves online these days. Chances are that either last Christmas, or the one before, you came across a funny Flash application called Elf Yourself, which allowed you to “lend” your face to a little, amusing,...

How Do You Sphinn Today?

Some years ago, there was an international project meant to ease communication across different countries of the world. It was called Esperanto, and it was supposed to be a language with words taken from many languages, in order to create a new language intelligible...

How Much Is Your Blogging Zoom?

Until very recently, I was sure that only photo and video cameras had a zoom. Well, now also bloggers have their own zoom, thanks to Court and Vic, who associated to release a Digg-like place for bloggers: BloggingZoom, a place where all bloggers (and only bloggers)...