Last Updated on April 20, 2020

Did you hear the latest news?

1. Problogger is organizing a $54000 birthday bash celebration

2. The latest challenge is to write an ode to problogger

3. I’m an undiscovered poet.

This is the ode I wrote for this latest challenge, not necessarily for the iPod prize (although I could use an iPod), but for the fun I had writing it, and for the sake of the comments you are going to make:

If you want to make a buck,
Do your blogging like a duck:
Cross the water all day long,
Until you see you got it wrong.

But if you want to make it strong,
Just read Problogger all night long,
Then focus better on your niches,
To get access to all those riches,

Which make a generation’s dream,
And redirect our blogging stream,
To route those fortunes our way.
Hey, Darren dear, what you’d say?

Chitika, AdSense, Text Link Ads,
We treated all like they were gods.
We’ve put them all above the fold,
Hoping one day our blog be sold,

So we could live a life of fun,
With chicks and laying in the sun,
Free from all worries, with no trouble,
As all we touch is turning double.

I’ll post this poem on my site,
Hoping sincerely that you might
Consider digging it at once,
So I can see my traffic bounce.